
Salomon Kroonenberg

Salomon Kroonenberg, Dutch writer

The Dutch programme at the International Book Fair in Beijing was cunn... >>> read more

Henk Pröpper

Henk Pröpper, Director Dutch Foundation for Literature

In two weeks’ time, the official opening of one of the largest b... >>> read more

Kai Kang

Kai Kang, Journalist China Reading Weekly

Dear Dutch publishers. The book fair is over. Perhaps you’ll now... >>> read more

Ingrid and Dieter Schubert

Ingrid and Dieter Schubert, Dutch illustrators

The days are full and long. We are incessantly bombarded with impressi... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

Arriving on the stand on the first day, I’d asked a Chinese visi... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

Big excitement today since we were finally meeting with Songyu from Fl... >>> read more

Ingrid and Dieter Schubert

Ingrid and Dieter Schubert, Dutch illustrators

It’s now the third day, and the first one with plenty of sun. Un... >>> read more

Kai Kang

Kai Kang, Journalist China Reading Weekly

What a great opportunity to learn about the Dutch literature for Chine... >>> read more

Salomon Kroonenberg

Salomon Kroonenberg, Dutch writer

A duck flies to and fro over the vast expanses of world ocean, despera... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

‘In the era of browsing, we provide reading.’ - Slogan see... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

The jewel in the crown of our collection of Arbeiderspers titles publi... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

The Chinese publishers I have met during the course of my career, the ... >>> read more

Salomon Kroonenberg

Salomon Kroonenberg, Dutch writer

I have so far never been to a book fair. Nor do I know what to imagine... >>> read more

Kai Kang

Kai Kang, Journalist China Reading Weekly

Since 2006, I began writing about the Netherlands’ performance a... >>> read more

Henk Pröpper

Henk Pröpper, Director Dutch Foundation for Literature

Now that the fair is just round the corner, this is perhaps the moment... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

The traffic in Beijing is horrendous, I’m sure the other blogger... >>> read more

Thomas Möhlmann

Thomas Möhlmann, Staff member Dutch Foundation for Literature

What an evening the poets and the approximately 200 onlookers present ... >>> read more

Sunday 4 September

English // 中文

Time: 10.00 am Venue: BIBF

Lecture Dick Swaab We are our Brain

Auditorium of the Dutch Pavilion, BIBF, E02.A02 Lecture Dick Swaab We are our Brain... >>>> read more

Time: 10.00 am Venue: BIBF

Dick Swaab的作品We are our Brain(《我们就是自己的大脑》)发布会

9月4号,周六,下午10点 图博会荷兰馆的小会议厅,E02.A02 Dick Swaab的作品We are our Brain(《我们就是自己的大脑》)发布会... >>>> read more

Time: 11.00 am Venue: BIBF

Zhang Xiaohong in conversation with Douwe Draaisma

Auditorium of the Netherlands Pavilion, BIBF, E02.A02 With four titles translated into Chinese, psychology professor Douwe Draaisma is one of the best-read Dutch authors in China. That will come as no surprise, in view of the fact that his work... >>>> read more

Time: 11.00 am Venue: BIBF

张晓红和Douwe Draaisma的对话

图博会荷兰馆的小会议厅,E02.A02 心理学教授Douwe Draaisma已经有四部作品译成中文,是荷兰拥有最广泛读者群的作者之一。看到他的作品在国际上的知名度,这也就不足为怪了。Douwe Draaisma将和文学教授及翻译张晓红女士讨论以下几个话题:记忆如何运作;为什么人们年纪越大,感觉时间过得越快;遗忘的原因。... >>>> read more

Time: 4:00 pm Venue: la Suite, UCCA

CaféAmsterdam V: ‘Blue eyes looking at China’

With: Zhou Rong, John van de Water, Daan Roggeveen, Harry den Hartog In the past few years, many Western architects and urban planners have made an attempt to become involved in projects in China – with varying results. How do... >>>> read more

Time: 4:00 pm Venue: la Suite, UCCA


嘉宾: 周榕, John van de Water, Daan Roggeveen, Harry den Hartog 过去的几十年中,很多西方的建筑师和城市设计师都试图开始在中国展露拳脚——但得到的结果却各不相同。这些西方设计师对中国的飞速发展有何感受?他们如何为中国的建筑做出实质性的贡献?西方设计师又能从中国的工作方式中学到什么?在这场对话中,建筑评论家周蓉将针对最近出版新作的三位荷兰作家在中国工作和研究的经验提出问题。三位建筑师和研究人员分别是:John van de Water (《你无法改变中国,中国将改变你》—— You Can’t Change China, China Changes You,010出版社),Daan Roggeveen(与Michiel Hulshof合作出版:《城市如何移向孙先生——新生的中国大城市》—— How the city moved to Mr Sun - China’s new megacities, SUN 出版社)以及Harry den Hartog(《上海新城-追寻蔓延都市里的社区和身份》——... >>>> read more

Time: 07.00 pm Venue: Beijing Normal University

In Europe - A lecture by Geert Mak

Beijing Normal University, School of Chinese Language and Literature Geert Mak spent a year travelling through Europe, tracing the history of the continent from Verdun to Berlin, Saint Petersburg to Auschwitz. He set off focusing on one question in particular:... >>>> read more

Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Beijing Normal University

在欧洲 ―― Geert Mak 的訒ョy

北京师范大学文学院 Geert Mak用了一年的时间游遍欧洲,追寻从凡尔登到柏林,到圣彼得堡再到奥斯维辛这片大陆的历史。他特别关注了一个问题:在新千年即将开始之时,欧洲的情况到底是怎么样的?Mak作为一名观察敏锐的訐者和一位极具想象力的历史学家,如此稀有的双重才华使《在欧洲》成为了一部引人注目的作品,广州花城出版社发行了这部作品的中文許本。马柯将就他的作品,主要针对欧洲和亚洲的关系做一个訒座。詅訒座由北京师范大学的文学教授张柠主持。... >>>> read more

Time: 7:00 pm Venue: le Café, UCCA

Café Amsterdam VI: Six revelations

With: Hans Hagen, Herman Koch, Adriaan van Dis, Murong Xuecun, Wang Jiaxin, Tim Enthoven Music: Sonja van Hamel & band What was your ‘Stendhal moment’? Which work of art has altered your life? Was it a feast of recognition or... >>>> read more

Time: 7:00 pm Venue: le Café, UCCA


嘉宾:Hans Hagen, Herman Koch, Adriaan van Dis, 慕容雪村, 王家新, Tim Enthoven 音乐:Sonja van Hamel & band 您认为什么艺术作品是您的”司汤达一刻”?哪件艺术作品改变了您的一生?这是一场让您认清疏远或对疏远产生震惊的盛宴吗?我们将对六位国际作家、评论家和设计家提出以上问题,还会让他们根据那些给人们留下极其深刻印象的,让人们震惊的绘画、音乐片段、诗歌等,为艺术、想象和创造力的重要性做一个简短的演说。每位演讲者将会简短地描述他/她最喜爱的艺术作品所产生的作用、激发的情感及其令人震惊之处。除此以外,还有这些艺术作品对其本身艺术特性带来的影响。结合以上内容,演讲者会向我们展示一幅画作或者播放一段音乐片段。... >>>> read more

Time: 7.30 pm Venue: China Conservatory of Music

'和旋' - Anna Enquist & Ivo Janssen 的演讲及演奏

中国音乐学院附属中学音乐厅 小说《和旋》是安娜·恩奎斯特对女儿的纪念,她的女儿死于一场交通意外,正如巴赫创作《哥德堡变奏曲》是为了悼念他死去的儿子。小说结构以《哥德堡变奏曲》为基础,以独唱曲开始,以终结句完成整个乐章,每一章节都以对应的变奏为基调。在这场特别的朗诵音乐会中,安娜·恩奎斯特将朗读《和旋》中的章节,钢琴家伊沃·詹森将演奏《哥德堡变奏曲》。... >>>> read more

Time: 7.30 pm Venue: China Conservatory of Music

Counterpoint - concert and lecture by Ivo Janssen and Anna Enquist

China Conservatory of Music, Concert Hall of the attached Middle School The novel Counterpoint is Anna Enquist’s memorial to her own daughter, who died in a traffic accident, just as Bach composed the Goldberg Variations out of grief for his... >>>> read more