
Salomon Kroonenberg

Salomon Kroonenberg, Dutch writer

The Dutch programme at the International Book Fair in Beijing was cunn... >>> read more

Henk Pröpper

Henk Pröpper, Director Dutch Foundation for Literature

In two weeks’ time, the official opening of one of the largest b... >>> read more

Kai Kang

Kai Kang, Journalist China Reading Weekly

Dear Dutch publishers. The book fair is over. Perhaps you’ll now... >>> read more

Ingrid and Dieter Schubert

Ingrid and Dieter Schubert, Dutch illustrators

The days are full and long. We are incessantly bombarded with impressi... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

Arriving on the stand on the first day, I’d asked a Chinese visi... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

Big excitement today since we were finally meeting with Songyu from Fl... >>> read more

Ingrid and Dieter Schubert

Ingrid and Dieter Schubert, Dutch illustrators

It’s now the third day, and the first one with plenty of sun. Un... >>> read more

Kai Kang

Kai Kang, Journalist China Reading Weekly

What a great opportunity to learn about the Dutch literature for Chine... >>> read more

Salomon Kroonenberg

Salomon Kroonenberg, Dutch writer

A duck flies to and fro over the vast expanses of world ocean, despera... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

‘In the era of browsing, we provide reading.’ - Slogan see... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

The jewel in the crown of our collection of Arbeiderspers titles publi... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

The Chinese publishers I have met during the course of my career, the ... >>> read more

Salomon Kroonenberg

Salomon Kroonenberg, Dutch writer

I have so far never been to a book fair. Nor do I know what to imagine... >>> read more

Kai Kang

Kai Kang, Journalist China Reading Weekly

Since 2006, I began writing about the Netherlands’ performance a... >>> read more

Henk Pröpper

Henk Pröpper, Director Dutch Foundation for Literature

Now that the fair is just round the corner, this is perhaps the moment... >>> read more

Michele Hutchison

Michele Hutchison, Editor De Arbeiderspers

The traffic in Beijing is horrendous, I’m sure the other blogger... >>> read more

Thomas Möhlmann

Thomas Möhlmann, Staff member Dutch Foundation for Literature

What an evening the poets and the approximately 200 onlookers present ... >>> read more

Friday 2 September

English // 中文

Time: 10.00 am Venue:

Dick Swaab的作品We are our Brain(《我们就是自己的大脑》)发布会

9月4号,周六,下午10点 图博会荷兰馆的小会议厅,Digital Activity Centre Dick Swaab的作品We are our Brain(《我们就是自己的大脑》)发布会... >>>> read more

Time: 10.00 am Venue: BIBF

Book launch Dick Swaab We are our Brain

Digital Activity Centre, BIBF Book launch Dick Swaab We are our Brain... >>>> read more

Time: 11:00 am Venue: BIBF


图博会作家交流区 可持续发展:几代人之间的对话 “我们现在的所作所为影响着我们共同的未来。把可持续发展贯彻到现实中要求我们用崭新的眼光来审视旅行、制造及消耗物品,还有经营的方式。在这个过程中,我们每个人都不可避免地扮演着各自的角色,不同年代的人之间可以相互学习。孩子们还有年轻的一代总能提出中肯的问题,对他们来说几乎没有什么可以称得上障碍,一切皆有可能。因此,他们能够为成年人树立一面镜子。从这个角度看,几代人之间的对话不仅可以改变决策者的心态,还可以让年轻一代从小养成可持续、对未来负责的思考方式。”... >>>> read more

Time: 11:00 am Venue: BIBF

HRH Laurentien of the Netherlands - Lecture

Sustainability: a dialogue across generations “What we do now, impacts our common future. Putting sustainability into practice requires a fresh look at the way we travel, produce and consume goods, and do business. We all have a role to play... >>>> read more

Time: 02.00 pm Venue: BIBF

Xu Zechen in conversation with Margriet de Moor

Auditorium of the Netherlands Pavilion, BIBF, E02.A02 This event brings two acclaimed authors of Chinese and Dutch literature together on stage: Xu Zechen and Margriet de Moor. Both have gained an international readership with their refined and subtle storytelling. Margriet... >>>> read more

Time: 02.00 pm Venue: BIBF

尹丽川和Margriet de Moor的对话

图博会荷兰馆的小会议厅,E02.A02 这场活动让两位饱受读者称赞的中国和荷兰作家同台上阵:尹丽川和Margriet de Moor。两位作家凭借精妙细致的作品在国际上获得了广泛的读者群。Margriet de Moor的《灭顶》近期被译成中文,由上海文艺出版社出版发行。... >>>> read more

Time: 03.30 pm Venue: BIBF

Zhu Wen in conversation with Herman Koch

Auditorium of the Netherlands Pavilion, BIBF, E02.A02 How far can a parent go in protecting his or her child, knowing that this child has perpetrated a terrible crime. This complex moral question is the focus of Herman Koch’s international bestseller... >>>> read more

Time: 03.30 pm Venue: BIBF

朱文和Herman Koch的对话

图博会荷兰馆的小会议厅,E02.A02 当父亲知道孩子犯下了一个严重的错误以后,还能保护他的孩子多久?这个复杂的与伦理道德有关的问题就是Herman Koch这本国际畅销书的核心,其中文译本由上海99出版社出版发行。关于这本书中涉及到的一些伦理方面的问题,Herman Koch会在与朱文的对话中具体阐述。... >>>> read more

Time: 7:00 pm Venue: le Café, UCCA

Café Amsterdam II: Eberhard van der Laan in conversation with Geert Mak

Moderator: Ou Ning Music: Sonja van Hamel & band Eberhard van der Laan is Mayor of Amsterdam, and former Minister of Housing, Work and Integration, truck driver, flower salesman, semi-professional card player and board member of the Amsterdam newspaper Het... >>>> read more

Time: 7:00 pm Venue: le Café, UCCA

阿姆斯特丹咖啡屋--Eberhard van der Laan与Geert Mak的对话, Le Café

主持: 欧宁 音乐:Sonja van Hamel & band Eberhard van der Laan是阿姆斯特丹市的市长,以前曾担任住房、工作及综合事务部的部长,在这之前还做过出租车司机,花商,半职业的牌手,阿姆斯特丹Het Parool报纸的负责人。真正了解这座城市的人并不多,而Eberhard van der Laan就是其中一位。Geert Mak是一位作家和历史学家,曾写过很多关于阿姆斯特丹的书。他的《阿姆斯特丹:一个城市的小传》去年在中国出版发行。 这两位将会带您了解阿姆斯特丹,这座在大多数人心里堪称神奇的城市;除此以外,还会讨论古城现代化的挑战和随之会出现的问题。... >>>> read more

Time: 07.00 pm Venue: Trainspotting

An evening of poetry

Trainspotting, Fangjia Hutong With: Bernlef, Ramsey Nasr, Anna Enquist, Yan Jun, Xi Chuan, Wang Jiaxin Presenter: Yan Zhongfang Poetry has also been allocated a prominent place in our host-country programme. On this poetry evening, three Dutch poets will perform alongside... >>>> read more

Time: 07.00 pm Venue: Trainspotting


猜火车餐吧,方家胡同 主持:闫钟芳 在主宾国活动中,诗歌也占据了重要的位置。在这个诗歌之夜里,三位荷兰诗人将和三位中国诗人同台演出。荷兰方将派出小说家及诗人安娜•恩奎斯特,成功的作家及翻译家贝恩勒夫,荷兰现今的”桂冠诗人”诺姆西•拿瑟尔。中方由颜峻、西川及王家新参与此次活动。他们将朗读自己作品中的片段,一起讨论各种有切合点的话题。本次活动中还会展出杨•巴克及汉克•范•德•法尔两位诗人的电子诗歌。”诗歌之夜”的活动将与搜狐网及中图公司合作举办。... >>>> read more